Residency application 2024-2025 cycle has concluded. Updated information for 2025-2026 residency application cycle will be added at a later date.
The program accepts five residents per year from medical schools across the country. Please note that we have a supplemental essay requirement. Additionally, please continue to check the website and Instagram for updates regarding the residency application process.
Students will be asked to submit a written response to the prompt:
“What accomplishment are you most proud of and why?” (250-word limit). Highly recommended for those who signal. Please send your response as a separate document to in PDF format and name the file ‘Rush letter’ followed by last name, and first name (ex. Rush Letter – Smith, John). We will begin accepting responses on September 5, 2024 and they will be due on September 26, 2024. Please note that this response will be used during the screening process for interview invitations.”
The final selection and ranking is conducted by the Residency Selection Committee, chaired by Dr. Alan Blank. Residents are selected based on their academic accomplishments and personal character.
If you have any questions regarding our program or the application process, contact our Rush Residency Program Administrator Kristie Edwards at